One application to rule them all

One of my favorite moments every year is the NLJUG Java conference “JFall”. It is a day where you get to immerse yourself into all the latest trends, form an opinion if it is worth additional attention, and you get to catch up with a lot of the people you’ve encountered online or have worked with during the (by now many) working years.

But this year’s JFall had one big difference; I got to speak myself. The submission I made last year was not accepted, but the talk I made about my “epic journey” to run a single code base on desktop, mobile and web apparently was interesting enough. And even though the 1024×768 resolution through VGA was not what I had prepared for, I thought the talk went pretty well. Who would have ever thought that the shy kid from back then loves speaking in public? Anyhow, I’ll be doing the talk a few more times, but I figured I put the slides online anyhow.


One application to rule them all.pdf

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